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Hey guys and girls!!! My name is Drea, and this is my first blog ever!!!! I have always wanted to create a blog (ever since I was 10 actually), but I could never decide on exactly what I wanted my blog to be about. Well, just last week I was on Hulu and an ad popped up for I was automatically intrigued and wanted to learn more. So, I pulled out my laptop and got on the website. Imagine my surprise when I saw that I could make my very own blogging site! Not only that, but it also won't cost me a dime! Anyways, I looked up the site and then I told my mom about it. Well my mom and I got to talking and I told her that I had no idea what to blog about. She told me to blog about something that I love and know a lot about. Now, if you know me, you know that I love a huge amount of things . When I told her that, she simply said, "Blog about something you do all the time then." So, I spent the next few days thinking and just yesterday I had this huge epiphany. I had just finished rereading a book on amazon kindle by one of my favorite authors and the eave a review thing popped up. I sat there and stared at it for a moment and then, you can ask my sister (she was right next to me), I went, "Oh my god! This is can do!" I was extremely excited. I texted my mom (even though she was just in the other room, I'm a little lazy \(UwU)/) and told her all about it. And that is how my new First Blog Ever (The Book Devourer) has come to be. Also, the book below is called "Feverborn" by Karen Marie Moning. She is one of my ost favorite authors ever and is superb writer. Her Fever series will be my first series review blog post that I'll ever do and I can't wait!!


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